Blame Game

For the past couple months now, certain dimmer members of our society have blamed President Biden for the out of control rise in gas prices.
SPOILER ALERT, he had nothing to do with it. The President doesn't have a big lever in the Oval Office that he pulls to raise and lower the price of gas. In reality, it's dependent on dozens of factors, such as oil and refining costs, production levels, distribution, taxes and more.

Thankfully, gas prices have actually started coming down in recent weeks. Even though Biden had nothing to do with it, one would think that the doorknobs who believe he caused prices to rise would assume he was also responsible for lowering them as well, right?
Wrong! Now that prices are falling, they're correctly assigning the cause to various fiscal elements.

So let's see if I have this straight— according to these wingnuts, HIGH gas prices are totally Biden's fault, LOW ones are due to economic indicators. Sigh...

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