The Queen's Gambit

When Queen Elizabeth II was buried last week (after a full twelve days of ceremonies), her coffin was  decorated with several royal relics. Among them were the Imperial State Crown (seen resting on the purple pillow), the Sovereign's Sceptre (the silver rod at left) and the Sovereign's Orb (indicated by the red arrow).
You Brits aren't fooling me! That's not the Sovereign's Orb! That's the freakin' Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch, seen in Monty Python And The Holy Grail!

The very same Holy Hand Grenade used by Arthur, King Of The Britons.

Who lobbed it at the deadly Rabbit Of Caerbannog, who, being naughty in the sight of God, was snuffed by it.

Who knew Liz was a Pythons fan?