A Public Service Announcement For Fans Of The Orville.

Dear fans of The Orville— here's a helpful spelling guide for when you write about the show and its characters on various social media platforms:

Ed Mercer (not Merser)
Kelly Grayson (not Kellie Greysen)
Bortus (not Bordus, Bordiss or Bortess)
Talla Keyali (not Tala Keelali, Keyyallee or Kallelee)
Isaac (not Issac or Issic)
Klyden (not Klydon, Klidon or Clydin)
Topa (not Toppa, Tappa or Tapas)
Charly (not Charlie)
Moclans (not Mochlans or Mocklins)
Alara (not Allarra)
Kaylons (not Kalons, Keylons or Kalonns)
Xelayans (not Selayans, Saylayans or Xaleyens)
Note that these are all actual spellings I've seen on reddit and other forums.

Call me a grouchy old asshole if you want, but it drives me absolutely bugshit when I see these misspellings online. I get that a lot of these are alien names, and as such aren't common knowledge. But there's an entire worldwide network of information just a click away. If you're not sure how to spell a name, please take five seconds to look it up.

There's also the fact that the opening titles feature a goddamn spelling guide for many of these names!

And I know what you're thinking here: What's it matter if someone misspells a name from a TV show? Plenty! See, it's all about credibility. If you can't be bothered to spell "Moclans" correctly, then your theory on how a single gender species such as them reproduces is likely to be equally flawed.

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