
Back in 2012, actor Hartley Sawyer posted a series of racist and misogynistic tweets on Career-Killer, er, I mean Twitter. Although these tweets were awful and not the least bit funny, they were clearly intended as jokes, as he was trying to be shocking and didn't actually mean any of the things he said.

SJWs don't understand humor though (even awkward, juvenile humor), and cancel-cultured Sawyer hard. The CW immediately fired him from his role of Ralph Dibney on The Flash, despite the fact that he wasn't even working on the show when he wrote the tweets. No warning, no slap on the wrist, no second chance— just instant dismissal. His career now lies in ruins, all over a handful of bad jokes.

Flash forward two years, to the 94th Annual Oscar Ceremony. Comedian Chris Rock made a very mild joke about Jada Pinkett Smith. Will Smith apparently took exception to this, barged up onstage and physically assaulted Rock like a common street thug, in full view of the entire audience.

Smith then sat back down, where he spewed crude obscenities and made an ass of himself in front of the entire world.

Note that Smith received no punishment or repercussions for his inappropriate and shocking actions. In fact he was actually rewarded for them by winning the Oscar for Best Actor!

And if that wasn't enough, he was then given an inexplicable and enthusiastic standing ovation by the assembled out-of-touch celebrity audience. What the hell?

So to recap: Tell a tasteless joke, lose your job. Assault a fellow actor, win an Oscar and get a standing O.

Sigh... I quit! I officially give up trying to figure out what "triggers" SJWs and what they consider acceptable behavior in our current Politically Correct Hellscape Of A Society.


I'm aware there have been some developments since I first posted this rant— namely the Academy gave Smith the lightest slap on the wrist possible, banning him from the Oscars for the next ten years.

Say it isn't so! Now the Famous Millionaire Attention Whore can't go to the Famous Millionaire Attention Whore Party with all the other Famous Millionaire Attention Whores! What a tragedy!

None of this changes my original point though— namely the inexplicable and utterly baffling sight of a theater full of movie stars giving a rousing standing ovation to Will Smith right after he physically assaulted a person.