Poster Perfect

I don't know anything about this movie, and to be honest it's probably not for me.

That said, I love it because it features an honest to goodness ILLUSTRATED poster! Holy smokes! When's the last time we saw that happen? 

And what a glorious painting it is, too! I love everything about it, from the colors to the composition. It reminds me of old school paperback novel covers. It's definitely far more interesting than the usual Photoshopped heads on an orange and teal background that we see everywhere these days.

It was painted by British artist James Paterson, who I have to confess I've never heard of. I checked out his other work here, and was blown away by his talent. I wish I could paint like that.

I honestly hope this film starts a trend, and we start seeing a return to illustrated movie posters again.

Of course the studio just couldn't help itself, and had to prepare a typical Photoshopped monstrosity as a backup. Feh.