
Sigh... Here we go again!

Despite the fact that trump lost the election nearly a year ago, he absolutely refuses to go away. Like some kind of human staph infection.

As part of his latest scam, er, I mean fund-raising project, don's now selling these genuine, luxurious high quality "Trump Cards" to his zealots. I mean loyal supporters. 

Because this is trump we're talking about, the cards are designed to raise money. Just what that cold hard cash is for though isn't readily apparent. Is it to fund his 2024 election campaign? To finally complete his Wall? Or to pay off the massive civil suits that'll be filed against him any day now? Who the hell knows.

How does one go about getting one of these highly sought-after and exclusive passports to greatness? By invitation only, of course! Trump's PAC (that's Political Action Committee to you and me) is sending out emails solely to his most fervent fans.

Once one receives said email, one gets to choose the design they like best. Why four different designs? According to the PAC website, that was don's idea:

"We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs. Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said, 'These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide— they ALWAYS know best!'"
I agree. They voted his ass out of office, after all. But I digest.

This one's my favorite. The posh and elegant one that inexplicably reads "OFFICAL CARD." Well done, don!

And then there's this card, which is emblazoned with a stunning golden eagle motif. Somehow this one reminds me of something I've seen before, but I can't quite figure out what...

Ah, there it is. Not quite as big a fan of this one, as it's a little too Third Reich-y for my tastes.

At this time it's unclear just what highly tremendous perks and benefits these card entitle their owners to. Other than the right to brag that they've wasted $50 to $5000 (the suggested donation to obtain one of the cards).