AAMVA Slides on Self-Driving Car Road Testing Safety

These are the slides I presented at the AAMVA International Conference, August 22, 2018 in Philadelphia PA.

It's an update of my PennDOT AV Summit presentation from earlier this year.  A key takeaway is that the lesson that we should be learning from the tragic Uber fatality in Tempe AZ earlier this year is:
- Do NOT blame the victim
- Do NOT blame the technology
- Do NOT blame the driver
INSTEAD -- figure out how to make sure the safety driver is actually engaged even during long, monotonous road testing campaigns.   AND actually measure driver engagement so problems can be fixed before there is another avoidable testing fatality.

Even better is to use simulation to minimize the need for road testing, but given that testers are out on the road operating, there needs to be credible safety argument that they will be no more dangerous than other conventional vehicles while operating on public roads.