Welcome To My Blog on Self Driving Car Safety


This blog primarily covers Autonomous Vehicle safety, often known as self-driving car safety.

I'm splitting this blog off from my Better Embedded Software blog to reflect my increased emphasis on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) safety.

In my professor gig, these days my main research is on AV stress testing (the ASTAA and RIOT projects at CMU NREC).

I'm also very active in the startup company that I co-founded with Mike Wagner: Edge Case Research LLC. Over the past couple years we have emphasized both stress testing and creating safety cases for AVs.

Comments are moderated. I read them all.  Comments that ask a question typically get approved, although I can't offer specific advise on your particular system this way.  Additional thoughts and responsible contrary views are also typically approved.

While I appreciate the "nice blog" type posts, I typically don't approve them for posting.  (So many of them are comment spam!)  If you really want to be sure I get that type of message just e-mail it to me directly, and it will be appreciated.  If you'd like it to be posted as a comment on the blog let me know.  Send to:  BlogComments@koopman.us   

A few of the initial posts are duplicates from my other blog, but I'll be posting all my new AV content here.  I hope you enjoy the postings!

-- Phil Koopman
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

About the author:
Dr. Philip Koopman has been working on autonomous vehicle safety for more than 20 years. As a professor at Carnegie Mellon University he teaches safe, secure, high quality embedded system engineering. (http://ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/) As co-founder of Edge Case Research LLC he finds ways to improve AV safety, including robustness testing, architectural safety patterns, and structured safety argument approaches. (http://ecr.guru)