Etobicoke G2 Road Test Route 1 Through Google Maps Street View

G2 Road Test Route 1 Through Google Maps Street View

For the Etobicoke G2 road test Route 1 map, Click HERE.
For the Etobicoke G2 road test Route 2 map, Click HERE.
For the Etobicoke G road test Route map, Click HERE.

We will post Street View of some of the routes taken so that you can practice those routes. Driving instructors and schools are familiar with the routes and will charge you money to take you there. We figured we'd put them up for free here as a public service. If you would like to contribute a route, please do so in the comments and we will post it here.


This is the Streets View of the G1 exit road test (aka G2 road test) for Etobicoke
A Google Maps route with coordinates is available here.

G2 Road Test Route 1 Through Google Maps StreetView

Written Directions

1. Exit the test centre by turning right on Eglinton Ave W
2. Turn left onto Explorer Dr
3. Take a left onto Matheson Blvd E
4. Once you reach Shuttle Dr, turn right.
5. Use residential streets to parallel-park, make a 3-point turn and emergency stop
6. Head back out of Shuttle Dr by turning right onto Matheson Blvd E
7. Take a left turn onto Orbitor Dr
8. And a right turn onto Skymark Ave.
9. Make a left turn onto Satellite Dr.
10. Finally, make a right turn to re-enter Eglinton Ave W and enter the test drive centre

Good luck!