Ohio County Maps

If you need a map of Ohio counties, then you have landed on the right page because you can find them right down below.

Located in the Midwest of the USA, Ohio is the seventh most populous US state with 11,594,963 people, and the tenth most densely populated. That`s not surprising, when you consider its location adjacent to the northeastern region with its industrial history and dense population, and its location on Lake Eerie which gives it access to shipping and cargo, which helped develop the state economy. It is also adjacent to Michigan with its industry. This whole area of the United States is quite densely populated.

There are 88 counties in the state of Ohio. The most populous county is Cuyahoga County, with a population of 1,259,828. The major city of Cleveland is located in Cuyahoga County. Second is Franklin County with a population of 1,231,393 people. That is the location of Columbus, the capital and largest city of Ohio. The next few counties are:

3) Hamilton County - 806,631 people
4) Summit County - 541, 943 people
5) Montgomery County -533,116 people

Here are a few Ohio county maps for you to check out.
Map of Ohio Counties
Ohio county map with capital city

This map looks unclear but when you click on it, and right click to download it, you can view it in high resolution and it will be much clearer.

black and white Ohio county map

Ohio is a legendary place and I hope you have a chance to get there sometime soon, and when you do, I hope the above maps will be of use.

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