Birmingham Railway and Metro Map

Down below you can find a Birmingham transport map showing the railway, metro, and bus links through the city and the Midlands area. Birmingham may be the second largest city in the UK (after London of course) but it is much less massive than London, and its transport system is much smaller, accordingly. That`s a good thing, making it easier to get around by train and rail. The downside is that you have to take buses on a lot of routes, which is slower. 84% of all public transport usage in the Midlands area consists of bus and coach service.

Birmingham currently has no underground (ie. subway) but instead has the Midlands Metro, a light rail tram on one single line connecting Birmingham and Wolverhampton. There are plans to expand the metro or to build an underground system that links with the metro.

Here is map of all of Birmingham`s transport links, including railway, Midlands metro, and buses.

map of Birmingham transportation system UK

UK city map of Birmingham raiway and metro

map of Birmingham Midlands Metro stations

I hope these maps are useful in your travels or commute when in Birmingham, England.