Contemporary Maps with Historical Information

The following maps have been selected for the historical information they convey. Although they are contemporary in terms of creation, they may nevertheless be of interest (and hopefully utility) to researchers and students.

This 1967 map displays the annexation date of various city of Toronto neighbourhoods and geographic areas.

Click the image to view a full-size version. [image presented via CTA online website. Unfortunately it’s not downloadable, a restrictive practice I find obnoxious. Nevertheless it’s viewable at an excellent resolution.]

City of Toronto. [Annexation Map] A. Douglas Ford, City Surveyor, City Surveyors Department, January 1, 1967 

Compare to this 1915 version prepared by the Civic Transportation Committee:

Annexation Map, 1915. From Report to the Civic Transportation Committee on Radial Railway Entrances and Rapid Transit for the City of Toronto Volume II

Image courtesy University of Toronto Map and Data Library: Link

This next map can be imagined as a 'Domesday' map; it shows an aggregated view of the landowner names for the initial grants of Crown Lands, within the Township of York (independent of grant date).

Click the image to view a full-size version. [Note: TIF file; you may need to download the image and view it with an image program]

Disposition of Crown Lands. Township of York in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto (Formerly in the County of York)

Image from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Plan no. T-2539
via University of Toronto Map and Data Library: G3524 .T6 G463 31 1793- 1976

This colourful map visually displays approximate building construction dates within the City of Toronto, and won a 2005 award for Excellence in Cartography. Dates were “derived from the Toronto Assessment Database and were assigned onto the parcel fabric through the assessment roll number.”

Click the image to view a full-size version. 

City of Toronto Building Construction Dates
City of Toronto Works and Emergency Services, Technical Services, Survey and Mapping Services, Mapping Services.
Produced by Patricia Morphet, September 2003

Image courtesy of City of Toronto: M-20. Used to be available from the city’s Map Product Catalogue.

See also:

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