Google Maps Android API v2

Google Maps Android API v2

New Features

With the new version of the Google Maps Android API, developers can utilize Google Maps to its fullest. We’ve incorporated many of the highly-requested features developers want, such as:
  • More dynamic and flexible UI designs for large screen Android devices, such as tablets, using Android Fragments
  • Adding more Google Maps layers in their apps including satellite, hybrid, terrain, traffic and now indoor maps for many major airports and shopping centers
  • The ability to create markers and info windows with less code
  • The maps in the Google Maps Android API v2 can be tilted and rotated with easy gestures, giving users the ability to adjust the map with an orientation that makes sense for them. At any zoom level, you can pan the map, or change its perspective with very little latency thanks to the smaller footprint of the vector-based map tiles. Many cities, when viewed close up, will have 3D buildings visible, as viewable in the below picture of Vancouver, Canada.

26 minute youtube video of the Google Maps v2 update:
