English Constituency Boundary Changes Map

English Constituency Boundary Changes Map

Nicely put together using Openlayers and Boundary-line Data to create a map that shows changes between Constituency Boundaries

 There are some interesting patterns – many urban areas, such as London, have undergone very significant redrawing, while many rural areas – historically with higher constituency populations – remain untouched.

Oliver O'Brien comments on creating the map:

"Technical note, this is my first pure HTML5 map. It also takes advantage of simpler ways of setting up maps in the latest release of OpenLayers, 2.12. It means it is out-of-the-box compatible with mobile browsers, and the HTML, JavaScript (including a JQueryUI slider) and CSS adds up to less than 200 lines of code – the only other code used being a couple of Mapnik XML stylesheets for rendering the two maps themselves."

Source and Author of the Map

The Boundary Change Map