Omid's Convocation 2012

John and I had the pleasure of attending the graduation ceremony and reception for our friend, Omid, last Wednesday at the University of Toronto.
It was a clear, sunny morning and the line of graduates stretched across the King's College Circle lawn from University College to Convocation Hall.
Here's Omid with Kelly, a classmate, mid-lineup.
and here they are again after being presented to the Chancellor and President of the University of Toronto.
The new graduate with his degree.
Proud father, Hamid, greets him after the ceremonies.
A congratulatory hug from his elder brother, Ali. That's his sister-in-law, Amber, and his mom, Farideh, in the background.
The proud Fekris
Omid with certificate and flowers
with Ali
with Amber
with the "Uncles"(aka Tomatoes from Canada)
with University of Toronto President, Dr. David Naylor
One very happy graduate.
This is his classmate and buddy, Lynsey, who also graduated with a Masters in Health Informatics.
Lynsey is a stunning beauty.
Here they are again with Lynsey's boyfriend, Matt.
Hamid and his son
We joined Omid and his parents at the reception afterwards at the University Faculty Club.
The reception was held in the beautiful ballroom of the building.
The graduate's mother, Farideh, at table.
Here we are enjoying the delicious reception dinner at our table.
Hamid and John
Omid with his classmate and good friend, Mark. They were co-Chairs of their class.