Today 14 February, 2012. FIND, the mapping technology company, announces the launch of (beta) – a unique, easy-to-use website where people can quickly create and share maps.

A fast way to create maps with out the hassle of finding data...


Easy to overlay administrative boundaries, geology, nature reserves. heritage and the High Speed Rail (Planned) layers 

Sketchmap's features include:

• Six different drawing tools, including a fun freehand ‘sketch’ function

• Choice of four different map backgrounds including Google and Ordnance Survey

• ‘copy link’ function for sharing maps

• Sharing maps by Twitter and Facebook

• PDF output option for printing

To create a map users simply go to the appropriate map location, then simply draw, write or add symbols.  Clicking the ‘copy link’ icon allows them to paste a link to their map into an email or to Facebook/Twitter etc.

To view a map users click on the link.  If they want to make any changes they can unlock the map using the ‘padlock’ icon.  This new map can then be shared using the ‘copy link’ icon.
Simon Lewis, Managing Director of FIND, says; “The key feature of sketchmap is that it's designed to be very quick and easy to use - so there’s no logging-in and no special software or training is necessary.  From arranging a meeting place to sharing your favourite picnic location, it's incredibly simple to use - just sketch a map and share it in seconds.”

Go Make Maps here