Robot Runamuck

I don't usually do a lot of vector art, mainly because I can't get nice, fluid, variable lines like I can when I draw with a pen. But I thought I'd experiment and give it another try. My vector work usually comes out looking too stiff to me. I figured if it's gonna end up looking stiff, then what better subject matter than a robot?

This one was drawn entirely in InDesign. A lot of people are surprised when they find out I draw things in InDesign instead of in Illustrator. It's got most of the same drawing tools as Illustrator, and IMO is easier to use. The aging effect was a jpeg imported into InDesign and placed on top of the art.

Another reason I don't do a lot of vector art-- this drawing took me DAYS. I bet I spent three or four times as long on this one as I would have if I'd been drawing it in Photoshop on my graphic tablet. It was a fun experiment, and maybe next time I'll be able to do it faster.

It might make a fun t-shirt design.