But, you can't hit one out of the park every time at bat.
Take a look at this bottle of Target brand mouthwash I bought recently. It features their new "On-Target" rounded arrow motif. Frankly I'm not a fan of the arrow; I thought the old circular "target" logo was fine. Maybe in time this new logo will grow on me.
But what really caught my eye one morning as I stood over the sink trying to focus on the bottle of mouthwash was this:
I even did a double take the first time I glanced at it. Call me crazy, but that refreshing splash of amber-colored mouthwash looks disturbingly like a dead cockroach lying on its back.
Now every time I look at it that's all I see; I can't not see a dead cockroach. Not really the image you want in your mind's eye when you're using mouthwash.
It's OK, Target. I still love you. You're one hundred times better than Walmart. But lose the roach, huh?

Now every time I look at it that's all I see; I can't not see a dead cockroach. Not really the image you want in your mind's eye when you're using mouthwash.
It's OK, Target. I still love you. You're one hundred times better than Walmart. But lose the roach, huh?